Why the shift to B2B instead of B2C? From the beginning we wanted to become a platform provider, and now the world and the regulatory environment have changed to our advantage, making the foundations of BlockBen even more stable and future-proof.
Miért a B2B átállás a B2C irány helyett? A kezdetek óta platformszolgáltatóvá szerettünk volna válni, és most a világ és a szabályozói környezet az előnyünkre változott, amik a BlockBen alapjait még stabilabbá és jövőbemutatóvá tették.
Will blockchain take the core banking castle? Big corporations providing financial services should adapt the new technology if they want to keep up with the modern era.
Blockchain, what will happen to you now? When choosing between public and private blockchain solutions, it is essential to precisely know business needs and what we want to achieve.
Is it blockchain, that makes us innovative? After the last PSD2 topic, I tried to lead my thoughts towards an easier topic. However, I came to the realization that I would like to write about such topics that make me