Why the shift to B2B instead of B2C?

This year, we received many questions on various topics, including increasing our BlockBen Blog activity. Breaking the silence, let me dive into one of the main questions: Why this B2B shift?!

There are countless reasons; in fact, we should have done this more decisively much earlier, but the mills grind at different paces.

It's worth looking back at BlockBen's 6-6,5 year journey, where alongside our first product, BlockStock, we already knew we were a platform provider and wanted to become even more so. There were times when we felt the world wasn't necessarily changing to our advantage, and keeping up with these changes was an incredibly difficult task. We certainly didn't get everything right... but in the end, I'd like to believe that the world and much larger forces (regulators) made BlockBen's foundations even more stable and forward-looking.

So why B2B? There are a million reasons, but let me outline the most important ones:

  • The soft communication about the platform at the beginning of the year was very successful because market players saw that a significant change was coming this year.
  • MiCA went live on July 1st. This is still a bit of a mystery to many, but I highly recommend everyone to watch, pay attention, and see what's happening between regulators and market participants.
  • High interest in BlockBen from strong players who, seeing the regulation and our nearly 7-year track record, want to create some crypto product.
  • A strong potential platform client base with their own ideas. Here, we need to handle the structuring and compliance; the rest is their task.
  • A good platform client reaches the masses on their own through BlockBen infrastructure. So it's much more logical and financially rewarding to focus on serving these companies best because through a good platform client, we also reach a huge customer base.
  • More platform clients = more BlockBen users = more transactions = higher profitability = faster-growing BSO pool = growing eBSO rate.

...and many other reasons, but those will be discussed another time. 😊

Let's look at the results of HoloX / Holoverz so far. The company had a pre-launch period, positive MiCA news came, and numerous innovations affecting the company. Last week, they decided to hold HOLOX 01 - the company's first European event - on September 5th. They sold all the tickets in just 3 days and are now working on expanding the venue to accommodate more visitors. Fortunately, I already have my ticket, and I'm very curious about what to expect from them.

How are we spending our days? I wasn't lucky enough to have much vacation, and like most of the team, the summer was spent working hard. We are currently structuring the products of several new potential platform clients and dealing with new arrivals as well.